
main peoples of French Revolution

Main peoples of French revolution


This movie is passage of French Revolution.


He is Louis16. He was born in 23 August 1754 Palace of Versailles, France. She is Marie Antoinette. She was born in 2 November 1755 in Homburg Palace, Vienna, Austria.

They married in April 1770.





Napoleon was a powerful man. He was born on 15 August 1796 in Corsica.

In 1802 he made consul for life and two years later became emperor.

He rewrote the old French feudal laws and created new laws that was easier to understand.

At one point France and Napoleon controlled almost all of Europe.

 Marie Antoinette
   Marie Antoinette married Louis 16th in 17770. She was queen of France from 1774 to 1793 when she was killed. She is famous for saying 'Let then eat cake.' when told the peasants had no bread to eat.
     She was known for being extravagant and wearing eleborate dresses and wigs. She did not seem to really understand the politics of the time, but this was not unusual for someone with her education. When the French revolution began Louis was too frightend to do anything and Marie had to make plans for the family to escape. Some historians belive she has been unfairly represented by history and that she was good queen to France.

Marie Antoinette´s good and bad points.

Good points

·         She was a good mother.

·         Showed great courage when she was facing her accusers.

·         She was a fashion leader in France.

Bad points

·         She was a bad politician.

·         she was quite ignorant about money and the country where she was Queen of.

·         Also, she did not know about the  poor people, the bourgeoisie and how they had to struggle to keep their bellies filled.

Louis 16th
Louis 16th was king of France.
Ascending the throne in 1774, Louis inherited a realm driven nearly bankrupt through the opulence of his predecessors Louis XIV and XV.
 After donning the crown, things only got worse.




French Revolution

The French Revolution started in 1789 and finished in the late 1790’s and Napoleon Bonaparte appeared in French history.
During this period, French citizens redesigned their political structure from absolute monarchy and the feudal system although they couldn’t realize all of their goals.

How the French Revolution changed change France ?

1.   Politically
They changed from absolute monarchy and the feudal system to notion of Republic and they declared the rights of man.

2.   Socially
In 1789, 90% of population were poor and farmers and the rest were the nobility or the clergy. They were categorized to 3 estate. The church and the clergy were 1st estate, nobility were 2nd estate and other farmers are 3rd estate. The revolution changed this system and all offices were open to their talent.

3.   Economically
There was change on several levels and new government had to keep revenues by all means and keep the nation payment for their debt. Under Napoleon the Bank of France was established and eventually the new economy had began.

4.   The Arc de Triomphe
It started construction in 1806 to celebrate Napoleon and his victory at Austerlitz. It wasn't completed during Napoleon's reign, and was finally completed in 1836.



